先日、2024年12月17日付で、Yume Iziyaは特定非営利活動法人(NPO法人)として正式に認証されましたことをご報告させていただきます。
「Dreams through Hard Work(夢は努力を通じて実現される)」という理念のもと、ジンバブエの農村部における教育支援を通じて、すべての子どもたちが自らの夢に向かって成長できる社会の実現を目指してまいります。
[English version]
Important Announcement from Yume Iziya
Dear Supporters,
We are pleased to announce that as of December 17, 2024, Yume Iziya has been officially certified as a Non-Profit Organization (NPO).
This achievement would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of all those who believe in our mission and activities. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported us along this journey.
Under our philosophy of "Dreams through Hard Work," we are committed to creating a society where every child in rural Zimbabwe can grow towards their dreams through improved educational opportunities.
We are deeply moved that our ongoing crowdfunding campaign has already reached 52% of its target, demonstrating the strong support for our shared vision.
As we move forward as an NPO, we pledge to conduct our activities with enhanced transparency and accountability. We humbly request your continued support and guidance as we embark on this new chapter.
- お知らせ2024年12月27日NPO法人認証のご報告
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- お知らせ2024年10月31日ホームページを開設しました。
- お知らせ2024年10月31日イベントを開催致します